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Redesign the marketplace platform & dashboard

The most powerful API & APP automotive platform for the next generation

Through user research and iterative prototyping, I redesigned the marketplace platform and dashboard, creating a user-centric API and APP automotive platform with advanced features and intuitive interfaces for an enhanced user experience.

My Role

I designed the marketplace and dashboard for automotive API and app users, prioritizing developers. My iterative approach ensured seamless integration with Fortellis' capabilities, empowering developers to excel in the automotive industry.

What I did?

  • UI

  • UX

  • Online Interview

  • Wireframe & Prototype

  • Cross-functional team cooperation


Jun. 2023 - Aug. 2023







CDK Global is a leading provider of technology solutions to the automotive retail industry. They offer software, digital marketing, and data analytics services to help dealerships improve efficiency and drive sales. With a global presence, CDK Global serves customers in over 100 countries and supports 30,000 automotive retail locations. Their innovative solutions empower dealerships to thrive in a competitive digital landscape.


Fortellis, a part of CDK Global, is an automotive technology platform that empowers businesses and developers to leverage APIs, drive innovation, and enhance collaboration. It offers flexibility, data analytics tools, and a competitive edge for accelerating the industry's digital transformation.


The problem is the complex interface of Fortellis, making it difficult for purchasing engineers to find APIs efficiently and hindering development engineers from tracking API and app performance data effectively.

The complex interface of Fortellis hinders purchasing engineers from finding APIs efficiently, resulting in a time-consuming search process. Additionally, development engineers face difficulties in tracking API and app performance data promptly. This suboptimal user experience hampers seamless integration and innovation. Moreover, the lack of design consistency and clear pathways adds to user uncertainty and increases usage time.

The Solution

Redesigning Fortellis:

Streamlined User Flows and Advanced Data Tracking

01 | Empowering Users with Comprehensive Tools and Support

  • Approachable | Organizing and simplifying information involves structuring and streamlining data and content to make it easier to navigate, understand, and use

  • Burden reduction | Enabling easy access to saved content, providing an organized structure for efficient retrieval, and saving time.

  • Efficiency | Using tools to manage and assist users in learning the differences between different APIs can help reduce duplication and redundancy in the comparison process.

02 | Maximize API Performance: Real-time Insights, Security Monitoring, and Revenue Optimization

  • Efficiency | Provide real-time data and analytics, enabling engineers and companies to stay updated on the performance and user usage of their APIs. This helps them identify any issues early on, optimize the APIs, and make necessary improvements.

  • Performance Optimization | Offer data metrics related to API performance, such as response time, throughput, etc. Engineers and companies can utilize these metrics to monitor the performance of APIs, identify bottlenecks, and address any performance issues.

  • Maximizing Revenue | Track API usage, including user counts, usage frequency, paying customers, etc. This allows them to assess the commercial value of APIs, establish appropriate pricing strategies, and maximize revenue generation.


The Challenge

What problem did I try to solve at the beginning

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APIs are technical projects that require an

understanding of their usage

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Limited visibility into user behavior for APIs

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Integrating into existing design

My Process

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1.User research

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3.User Testing & Iteration

User Research

Streamline API Management and Enhance Customer Satisfaction with an Interactive Dashboard

In order to identify user usage details and frequency, I have decided to adopt the following research methods.

  • Internal Second-hand Info Review

  • Heuristic Evaluation

  • Competitor Analysis

  • User Interview


Heuristic Evaluation 

Lack of Organization, Status, Visibility, and Error Handling

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Current Page

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User preferences have proven to be different from our initial assumptions

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How might we...

"simplify and enhance the portal to ensure seamless operation and minimize user frustration?"


Creating ONE platform for all

#1 Reorganizing information

To improve user engagement and streamline API utilization, I have integrated all relevant information into a visually appealing card layout. Furthermore, I have redesigned the category display by strategically placing icons in a more accessible position, enabling users to accelerate their workflow processes.

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#2 Rearranging Metrics, Building the Helper, and Paying Attention to Accessible Design

I have redesigned the metrics presentation and introduced an operational data table based on the existing data. Furthermore, I have implemented a chatbot to facilitate direct communication between developers and subscribers, fostering stronger customer relationships. It is important to be mindful of potential accessibility issues related to the use of colors.

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User Testing

Efficiency and Insights: Optimizing User Experience and Customer Relationships

Streamlined cards and comparison features save time by presenting key information concisely, minimizing the need for repetitive reading. Effective data tracking allows us to enhance customer management and make informed decisions.


75% of users are satisfied with the final design of the new card and dashboard

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Internal Users

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External Users



Finding the Right Users

While a marketplace may appear to be a platform where people subscribe to apps online, when it comes to API-specific technology marketplaces, it is crucial to find the right developer in order to truly understand their requirements.

The Use of Colors in Accessible Design

While colors are commonly used and familiar to most people, they can pose challenges and cause confusion in accessible design. In such cases, alternative methods, such as changing symbols or text, can provide a more noticeable solution.

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